
We are always looking for creative, conceptual thinkers, talented individuals able to collaborate and work comfortably within our team, so even currently there are no recruiting we still want to hear from you.
The ideal candidates are professional, articulate, motivated, challenged and well organised with excellent planning and time management skills, in order to contribute to the spirit, ambition and style of the studio and looking to progress their career.

If you are interested please send your cv and portfolio to

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Careers Architetto Giancarlo Tagliabue
We are always looking for creative, conceptual thinkers, talented individuals able to collaborate and work comfortably within our team, so even currently there are no recruiting we still want to hear from you. The ideal candidates are professional, articulate, motivated, challenged and well organised with excellent planning and time management skills, in order to contribute to the spirit, ambition and style of the studio and looking to progress their career. If you are interested please send your cv and portfolio to
Architetto Giancarlo Tagliabue
Giancarlo Tagliabue Architects | Architecture - Interior - Design - Consulting
Viale Dante 27 Barlassina 20825 IT +39.03621442453
Architetto Giancarlo Tagliabue
Giancarlo Tagliabue Architects | Architecture - Interior - Design - Consulting