Location: Ascona - SWITZERLAND
Year: 2005-2012
Client: Confidential
Services: Renovation + Interior Design + Furniture Design
Team: GTArchitects, Stepat & Partners

The Castello del Sole Hotel is located on a peninsula in the upper part of Lake Maggiore and stands out for its authenticity and timeless values. The Castello del Sole boasts a long history, in fact the first part of the building was built in 1532 and was used as a refuge for the followers of Protestantism. In 1756 it is mentioned for the first time as an architectural "jewel". We know that around 1900 it was a simple tavern with few rooms and in the following decades it was transformed and enlarged into an exclusive hotel. The most characteristic aspects of this incomparable construction have survived to the present day, enriched by the luxury and psycho-physical well-being also given by the wonderful surrounding nature.

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CASTELLO DEL SOLE Architetto Giancarlo Tagliabue
Location: Ascona - SWITZERLAND Year: 2005-2012 Client: Confidential Services: Renovation + Interior Design + Furniture Design Team: GTArchitects, Stepat & Partners The Castello del Sole Hotel is located on a peninsula in the upper part of Lake Maggiore and stands out for its authenticity and timeless values. The Castello del Sole boasts a long history, in fact the first part of the building was built in 1532 and was used as a refuge for the followers of Protestantism. In 1756 it is mentioned for the first time as an architectural "jewel". We know that around 1900 it was a simple tavern with few rooms and in the following decades it was transformed and enlarged into an exclusive hotel. The most characteristic aspects of this incomparable construction have survived to the present day, enriched by the luxury and psycho-physical well-being also given by the wonderful surrounding nature.
Architetto Giancarlo Tagliabue
Giancarlo Tagliabue Architects | Architecture - Interior - Design - Consulting
Viale Dante 27 Barlassina 20825 IT +39.03621442453
Architetto Giancarlo Tagliabue
Giancarlo Tagliabue Architects | Architecture - Interior - Design - Consulting