Location: Toronto - CANADA
Year: 2021
Client: Confidential
Services: Architectural Project + Interior Design + Furniture Design
Team: GTArchitects

Exclusive modern villa characterized by innovative design combined with materials of different nature, features that can be found in the decorative elements as well as in the furnishings proposed, all from Zanaboni Edizioni modern collection, wisely mixed according to a new point of view for a new concept of home. Versatile models and sculptural lamps, decorative elements and light tricks contaminate the new spaces of this inedited “home gallery”, fully representing a new philosophy.
The architectural aspect of the villa arises from a close union between the client's needs and the morphology of the property, which blend together to give life to a very light, rational result, with a very strong link between internal and external space.

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MODERN VILLA Architetto Giancarlo Tagliabue
Location: Toronto - CANADA Year: 2021 Client: Confidential Services: Architectural Project + Interior Design + Furniture Design Team: GTArchitects Exclusive modern villa characterized by innovative design combined with materials of different nature, features that can be found in the decorative elements as well as in the furnishings proposed, all from Zanaboni Edizioni modern collection, wisely mixed according to a new point of view for a new concept of home. Versatile models and sculptural lamps, decorative elements and light tricks contaminate the new spaces of this inedited “home gallery”, fully representing a new philosophy. The architectural aspect of the villa arises from a close union between the client's needs and the morphology of the property, which blend together to give life to a very light, rational result, with a very strong link between internal and external space.
Architetto Giancarlo Tagliabue
Giancarlo Tagliabue Architects | Architecture - Interior - Design - Consulting
Viale Dante 27 Barlassina 20825 IT +39.03621442453
Architetto Giancarlo Tagliabue
Giancarlo Tagliabue Architects | Architecture - Interior - Design - Consulting