Location: Dubai - UAE
Year: 2018
Client: Confidential
Services: Proposal for Architectural Project + Interior Design + Furniture Design
Team: GTArchitects, Enrico Paganelli

The proposal for this truly unique and exclusive villa of its kind stems from the need to create a family residence, consisting of 4 independent villas which from the outside turned out to be an immense and luxurious neoclassical villa. In the middle there is a wonderful internal courtyard used for relaxation and events with a garden with a central fountain surrounded by an elegant double loggia and balconies that look like theater boxes. All the decorations, the internal and external materials, the furnishings and every single detail are the result of a meticulous research, developing all the nuances of the various styles used with the intention of interpreting them, making them "inedited" and exclusive, giving life to a true masterpiece.

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PRIVATE VILLA | 02 Architetto Giancarlo Tagliabue
Location: Dubai - UAE Year: 2018 Client: Confidential Services: Proposal for Architectural Project + Interior Design + Furniture Design Team: GTArchitects, Enrico Paganelli The proposal for this truly unique and exclusive villa of its kind stems from the need to create a family residence, consisting of 4 independent villas which from the outside turned out to be an immense and luxurious neoclassical villa. In the middle there is a wonderful internal courtyard used for relaxation and events with a garden with a central fountain surrounded by an elegant double loggia and balconies that look like theater boxes. All the decorations, the internal and external materials, the furnishings and every single detail are the result of a meticulous research, developing all the nuances of the various styles used with the intention of interpreting them, making them "inedited" and exclusive, giving life to a true masterpiece.
Architetto Giancarlo Tagliabue
Giancarlo Tagliabue Architects | Architecture - Interior - Design - Consulting
Viale Dante 27 Barlassina 20825 IT +39.03621442453
Architetto Giancarlo Tagliabue
Giancarlo Tagliabue Architects | Architecture - Interior - Design - Consulting