Location: Civitanova Marche - ITALY
Year: 2019
Client: Confidential
Services: Restoration + Renovation + Interior Design + Furniture Design
Team: Giancarlo Tagliabue, Paola Turolla, Laura Pozzoli, Sara Zanaboni, Lorena Cavalletti

The Villino Conti dating back to 1910 was built as an annex and summer residence for Count Adolfo Conti and his family. The precious residence is a real jewel of Italian Liberty and is located within a spectacular park with an Italian garden composed of ancient trees and botanical rarities, a gallop for horse races, old stables, an aviary, a cave, a delightful neo-Gothic brick church with a crenellated tower and a crypt below. The facades of the building are enriched with fine stone decorations varying in color from gray to white and glazed tiles that reflect the typical themes of the style. The entire building reflects the canons of the Liberty style in a harmonious and elegant whole. The interior is a real masterpiece, full of expertly restored frescoes, stone frames, highlighted during the renovation designed and created with attention to every delicate detail, bringing the soul of the villa back to its ancient splendors.

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VILLA CONTI Architetto Giancarlo Tagliabue
Location: Civitanova Marche - ITALY Year: 2019 Client: Confidential Services: Restoration + Renovation + Interior Design + Furniture Design Team: Giancarlo Tagliabue, Paola Turolla, Laura Pozzoli, Sara Zanaboni, Lorena Cavalletti The Villino Conti dating back to 1910 was built as an annex and summer residence for Count Adolfo Conti and his family. The precious residence is a real jewel of Italian Liberty and is located within a spectacular park with an Italian garden composed of ancient trees and botanical rarities, a gallop for horse races, old stables, an aviary, a cave, a delightful neo-Gothic brick church with a crenellated tower and a crypt below. The facades of the building are enriched with fine stone decorations varying in color from gray to white and glazed tiles that reflect the typical themes of the style. The entire building reflects the canons of the Liberty style in a harmonious and elegant whole.
Architetto Giancarlo Tagliabue
Giancarlo Tagliabue Architects | Architecture - Interior - Design - Consulting
Viale Dante 27 Barlassina 20825 IT +39.03621442453
Architetto Giancarlo Tagliabue
Giancarlo Tagliabue Architects | Architecture - Interior - Design - Consulting